domingo, junio 2, 2024
Communications and Transport

Space Technology detonates Digital Transformation, Connectivity and Social Inclusion: AEM

#SecretaríaDeInfraestructuraComunicacionesYTransporte.- The Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT), through its Mexican Space Agency (AEM), participated in the Forum «The role of technology in national development: present and future of Mexico», organized by the Senate of the Republic.

At the invitation of the President of the Senate’s Board of Directors, Sen. Olga Sánchez Cordero, AEM’s Director General, Salvador Landeros Ayala, stressed that space technology contributes to digital transformation, connectivity and social inclusion.

«Promoting and taking advantage of science and technology for the transformation of the country is of the utmost importance, inequality can be reduced and economic growth accelerated by promoting industry, infrastructure and, above all, our own technological development that allows us greater autonomy, self-determination, technological independence and sovereignty,» she stressed.

She mentioned as priority tasks for the implementation of this, the areas of: digital transformation and telecommunications; infrastructure; food production and distribution; electric energy, oil, chemical and mining industry; transportation, water resources, automotive industry, aerospace industry, education, housing, health and security.

She predicted that in each of these areas there will be major technological evolutions and revolutions in the next 10 years and that Mexico can play a major role in these transformations, in which space technology, such as satellites, will be essential and strategic for each of these areas, without exception.


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